Acacia aneura F. V. Muell
Family Name: Leguminosae
Local Name : Anoora, Noora
English Name : Australian Acacia

Description : A slow growing shrub to small tree, 4 to 5 m tall. Diameters to 20 cm. Leaves are phyllodes 3 to 7.5cm long by 2.5 to 7.5 mm wide. The flowers are in bunches 1.5 to 2 cm long, appearing in June. The small pods are 2 to 3.5 cm long and 7 to 15 mm wide. The pods become mature between July and August. It is easily reproduced from seed. Seed stores for at least 12 months when treated with insecticides and sealed in air-tight drums. It is slow growing but has been reported to have a MAI of 2 to 3 m3/ha/yr. Wood is hard and durable.

Acacia albida Del
Family Name: Leguminosae
Local Name : Sufed Kikar, Sudani Kikar
English Name : Australian Acacia

Description : A small to large, deciduous tree, 6 to 30 in in height with a spreading crown. The leaves are compound. The bark is rough, greenish grey to dark brown. The flowers are in bunches 3.5 to 14 cm long. Flowering occurs between February and April. The pads are 6 to 25 cm long and 2 to 5 cm wide. The pods mature between March and May. It is easily reproduced from seed or by vegetative means. Seed stores for at least 12 months treated with insecticides and sealed in airtight drums. It has a fairly rapid growth rate but does not take the form of a tree for several years. A MAI of 2 to 3 m3 /ha/yr has been recorded. Wood is soft, with a specific gravity of 0.59 and a calorific value of 4910 kcal/kg. Wood is light or whitish grey having smooth grains and not very strong.

Abies pindrow Royle
Family Name: Pinaceae
Local Name : Partal, Paludar
English Name : Silver Fir

Description : A large, evergreen, tree 45 to 60 in tall with a diameter of 1.8 to 2.4 m. The crown extends to the ground with the branches drooping, forming a conical crown. The leaves are needles 2 to 4 cm long. The needles are arranged in two rows. It is monoecious. The male flowers or cones are in clusters on the lower sides of the last years shoots. The female flowers are in ones or twos, erect along the tops of the branches. They bloom between April and May. The fruit is the female cone, 10 to 16 cm long and 5 to 6 cm in diameter. When the cone matures it breaks apart allowing the winged seed to be distributed by the wind. The seed is 1 to 1.2 cm long with a thin, papery wing that is 2 to 2.4 cm long. It is reproduced from seed. There are 6000 to 7000 seeds/kg. Seed in airtight container